Choctaw Flag


The Choctaw Nation is governed by the Choctaw Nation Constitution, which was ratified by the people on June 9, 1984. The constitution provides for an executive, a legislative and a judicial branch of government. The chief of the Choctaw Nation is elected every four years, Tribal Council members are elected from single-member districts for four-year terms. The legislative authority of the tribe is vested in the Tribal Council, which consists of twelve members.

Executive Branch

Executive Branch

The executive power of the Choctaw Nation is assigned to the Chief. The Assistant Chief is appointed by the Chief with the advice and consent of the Tribal Council.

Tribal Council

Tribal Council

Council members are elected by the Choctaw people, one for each of the twelve districts of the Choctaw Nation.

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Judicial Branch

Judicial Branch

Oversees the Choctaw Nation court system.


Chief Gary Batton

The 47th Chief of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the third-largest Indian tribe in the United States. He was sworn into office on April 28, 2014.

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Assistant Chief Jack Austin, Jr.

He was sworn into office on April 29, 2014, after serving as Director of the Choctaw Nation Recovery Center in Talihina, Oklahoma.

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Sovereignty is the cornerstone of Tribal governance. Through treaties established with the United States as early as 1786, we are guaranteed certain rights and responsibilities to our land and our people.

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McGirt vs. Oklahoma Supreme Court Decision

The Choctaw people have been governing our land base and exercising sovereignty since the 1830s. The McGirt decision supports tribal sovereignty.

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Environmental Protection Service

Committed to sustainable environmental programs and practices that protect sovereignty now and for future generations.

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