Learn Model 2 sentences and practice identifying indirect object phrases.
Answer Sheet
Vocabulary Words
- Special Markers
- ʋmmy
- sʋm
- chimyour
- imher; his; their
- pimus
- hʋpimour
- hʋchimyour
- yʋt
- a̱
- ishyou
- ho̱
- i̱
- liI
- pi̱
- ʋmmy
- hʋpi̱
- yʋmmathat; those
- hʋchi̱
- ma̱when
- Nouns
- i̱kifather
- shukhahog; pig; swine
- i̱ teksister
- shukchabag; pocket; purse; sacknan ʋnnoa
- nan ʋnnoastory
- hushibird
- chukkabuilding; home; house
- hoponichef; cook
- ChahtaChoctaw
- ohoyowoman
- himak nittaknowadays; today
- iskʋlimoney
- ahekabill; debt
- ʋlla nakniboy
- okhisadoor
- Adjectives
- hommared
- okchamaligreen
- la̱walot; many; numerous; plentiful
- Numerals
- tuchinathree
- Verbs
- isht ʋlaarrive; bring
- ipetafeed
- chompabuy
- ikbibuild; make
- i̱shihave
- tiwwiopen; unlock
- Adverbs
- onnakmatomorrow
- Interrogatives
- kʋtawho
- Models
- Hattak mvt chukka hvpim ikbi tuk.That man built us a house.
- Vlla nakni yvt okhisa pi tiwwi tuk.The boy opened the door for us.
- Alikchi yvt aheka pi pila tuk.The doctor sent us a bill.
- Aki yvt aheka ma hvpim atobba chi.My dad will pay that bill for us.