Learn Model 2 sentences and the use of the plural subject pronouns.
Answer Sheet
Vocabulary Words
- Special Markers
- sʋI
- chiyou
- pius; we
- hʋchiyou
- mʋt
- ʋt
- ho̱
- liI
- ʋmmy
- chimyour
- ishyou
- Nouns
- ohoyowoman
- oklagroup; nation; people
- hʋpius; we
- alikchidoctor; treat
- chukkabuilding; home; house
- Verbs
- bʋnnadesire; want
- nusiasleep; sleep
- iago
- impadine; eat
- ʋpaeat
- pisadetect; examine; find; look; see; study
- hohchʋfohungry
- Adverbs
- onnakmatomorrow
- falamʋtback
- kiyonot
- Adjectives
- lusablack
- laknayellow
- hommared
- okchamaligreen
- fehnareally; very
- kapʋssacold
- Interrogatives
- yʋmmathat; those
- nantawhat
- katommawhere
- Interjections
- keyuno
- ma̱when
- Models
- Palvska champuli vpa sv bvnna.I want to eat cake.
- Nanta chi bvnna?What do you want?
- Wak nipi hvchi bvnna ho?Do you (all) want beef?
- Keyu, akak nipi hvpi bvnna.No, we (all) want chicken.