March 9, 2024 Tribal Council Regular Session

03/09/24 - Agenda

Letter of Appointment - Richard Branan to the CN District Court of General Jurisdiction

Approve the Disposal of Surplus Capital Assets – Vehicles (Fair Market Value $43,402.00) - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Approve the Disposal of Surplus Capital Assets – Vehicles (Fair Market Value $24,370.00) - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Approve the Disposal of Surplus Capital Assets – Equipment (Fair Market Value $2,166.53) - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Approve the Disposal of Surplus Capital Assets – Equipment (Fair Market Value $11,966.00) - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Council Bill Amending the Choctaw Nation Criminal Procedure Code Relating to Search Warrants and Immunity - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Council Bill Enacting the Choctaw Nation Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and the Choctaw Nation Change of Name Act - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Council Bill Amending the Choctaw Nation Fish, Game, and Animals Code - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Council Bill Amending the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Criminal Code Relating to Contraband - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Council Bill Enacting the Choctaw Nation Residential Landlord-Tenant Act and the Choctaw Nation Landlord-Tenant Procedures Act - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Amend the Choctaw Nation Banking, Savings, and Investment Act - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Authorize the Chief to Place Property in Sebastian County, Arkansas in Trust Status wit the United States of AmericaApprove Application for the Family Violence Prevention Grant for FY2025 - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Approve Application for the Family Violence Prevention Grant for FY2025 - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Resolution Supporting the Nomination of Jim Sallee to Serve on the Federal Highway Administration Working Group on Covered Resources - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Approve Application for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Project for American Indians with Disabilities - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed

Approve Application for the FY24 Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Program: Competitive Grant Application - Vote Counts: YEAs - Unanimous; Vote Result: Passed