Iti Fabvssa

1801 Treaty of Fort Adams

Minutes from the Treaty of Fort Adams (Part 2)

Continuing to examine the conversations between representatives of the United States and the Choctaw Nation by reviewing the minuets from the 1801 Treaty of Fort Adams in this second part of the series.

Photo of Indian Peace Medal with Thomas Jefferson on one side and shaking hands on the other side.

Minutes from the Treaty of Fort Adams (Part 1)

For many decades prior to the 1801 Treaty of Fort Adams, Choctaw leaders had been renting Choctaw lands to the French, British, and Spanish. Rent was paid to the Choctaw Nation in the form of gifts or presents.

French Fusil De Chasse

Toh – the report of a gun

Choctaw people have been using black powder weapons continuously since the beginning of the 18th century. However, our ancestors first encountered black powder weapons as far back as the 16th century in the hands of Spanish conquistadors.