Lawn Services Voucher Program
Provides lawn care vouchers for eligible Choctaw tribal member homeowners or rental tenants residing in the Choctaw Nation service area.
- Must be a tribal member residing in the Choctaw Nation service area
- Must be a homeowner or rental tenant responsible for own lawn care
- Home must be the applicant's primary residence
- Applicant must be the head of household or spouse of a disabled participant
- Must be between 18 and 64 years old with an ambulatory disability or 65 and older at the time the application is submitted
- Any household member listed who is 16-64 years old and not disabled or mentally impaired will not be eligible for a lawn service voucher booklet.
- Must meet income guidelines for the household
- Must submit applications before October 1 for each year of assistance.
How to Apply
Apply Online; application period is from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30
Lawn Services
PO Box G
Hugo, OK 74743
Fax: 580-317-9610
Additional Information
Participants receive 20 vouchers, valued at $25 each (no cash value), redeemable after April 1 through Dec. 31. Vouchers will be issued after April 1. Vouchers will be prorated on May 1 to Oct. 1 for each calendar year.
Vouchers only cover the following services:
- Lawn Mowing
- Property immediately surrounding residence (up to one acre)
- Weed eating
- Edging
- Hedge trimming
- Leaf Blowing/Raking (grass or leaves) limb removal
- If on the ground
- If the limb is obstructing the sidewalk or driveway from use
Contractors will not be paid by vouchers for any services not listed. Vouchers cannot be used to pay off loans, debts or installments. No reimbursements for any previous lawn services.