Juvenile Services

Provides intake, assessment, treatment planning, probation and parole services, supervision as well as reintegration to delinquent tribal juveniles within the Choctaw Nation reservation.


  • Must be a member of a federally recognized tribe or eligible for CDIB
  • Referrals from Tribal Law Enforcement and the Choctaw Nation Prosecutors Office for delinquent offenses which occurred within the Choctaw Nation reservation. Parental and/or referrals from other programs will be staffed on an individual basis.
  • Juveniles under 18 years of age

Additional Information


  • Prevention and Diversion Services
  • Juvenile Healing to Wellness Program
  • Case Management Services
  • Treatment and accountability to ensure public safety
  • Treatment Plan Incentives
  • Advocate educational system
  • Risk and needs assessment, individualized treatment plan along with services and programs designed to meet the juvenile’s needs and build upon their strengths
  • Cultural education