Learn Model 3 sentences and practice speaking in conversational Choctaw. Engage in dialogue about future and past time.
Vocabulary Words
- Special Markers
- e
- ilwe
- hʋshyou
- ehowe
- iloh
- iloh
- ishyou
- liI
- chiyou
- Verbs
- ilhkolimove
- la̱walot; many; numerous; plentiful
- iago
- ʋpaeat
- bʋnnadesire; want
- apelahelp
- pisadetect; examine; find; look; see; study
- Nouns
- nʋnifish
- tekfemale
- chukka achʋffafamily; household
- aiimpacafeteria; restaurant; table
- chukkabuilding; home; house
- pʋlʋskabread
- Adjectives
- chitobig; great; large
- Indefinites
- kanimikma̱some
- Conjunctions
- michaand
- Adverbs
- onnakmatomorrow
- chekusikma̱soon; while
- kiyonot
- Interrogatives
- katimmawhere
- katimi ho̱
- Interjections
- ome!all right; okay
- Adjectives
- chitobig; great; large
- Models
- Katimikash okhata hvsh ilhkoli tuk.When did you (all) go to the lake?
- Tustiash okhata iloh ilhkoli tuk.We went to the lake last Tuesday.
- Satvtikma nvni e hokla chi.We will catch fish on Saturday.
- Hvpishki yvt nvni hopona chi.Our mom will cook fish.