Learn Model 3 sentences and practice speaking and engaging in Choctaw conversation. Complete an activity for review and reinforcement of comprehension skills.
Answer Sheet
Vocabulary Words
- Interrogatives
- kʋtawho
- nantawhat
- katimmawhere
- Nouns
- hakshupskin; surface
- luksiterrapin; tortoise; turtle
- shulushshoe
- hohchifoname
- ʋttadwell; live
- Verbs
- bʋnnadesire; want
- chompabuy
- iago
- ikbibuild; make
- lawalot; many; much
- Special Markers
- yʋt
- ʋt
- Adjectives
- sipokniold
- himonafresh; new; newborn
- Models
- Nanta hosh chim abinili ohikia?What is standing on your chair?
- Yvmmvt hvpim ofosik.That is our puppy.
- Katimi ho vlla nakni yvt chim ofi habli?Why is the boy kicking your dog?
- Vm ofi yvt vlla nakni ma kopoli tuk.My dog bit that boy.