Vocabulary Words
- Nouns
- ʋlla tekgirl
- pilashashyesterday
- ofidog
- nan ʋlhpoaanimal; tame
- ChahtaChoctaw
- okawater
- hohchifoname
- Interjections
- ma̱when
- ome!all right; okay
- Verbs
- apelahelp
- bʋnnadesire; want
- alikchidoctor; treat
- iago
- achukmaexcellent; good; nice; pleasant
- impadine; eat
- ishkodrink
- ittonlalie
- pisadetect; examine; find; look; see; study
- nitabear
- nukha̱klodepressed; regret; remorse; sad; sorry
- Adverbs
- onnakmatomorrow
- kiyonot
- Special Markers
- ishyou
- liI
- ho̱
- chiyou
- ʋmmy
- yʋt
- mʋt
- ishtwith
- sʋI
- ʋt
- Adjectives
- chitobig; great; large
- abekaill; sick
- fehnareally; very
- lusablack
- Interrogatives
- nantawhat
- katommawhere
- Interjections
- a̱yes
- Indefinites
- kʋna kiaanyone
- Demonstratives
- yʋmmathat; those
- Conjunctions
- michaand
- Models
- Hattak mvt kvta apela tuk?Whom did that man help?
- Kvna apela tuk.He helped someone.
- Kvta hosh bok hlopulli tuk?Who went through the river?
- Kvna hosh bok hlopulli tuk.Someone went through the river.