Learn new postpositions vocabulary words with correct pronunciation.
Answer Sheet
Vocabulary Words
- PostPositions
- nutakabelow; beneath
- tikbafront
- apatabeside; next to; sit
- ta̱kla
- paknakaabove; over
- a̱shakaback; behind
- kuchaoutside
- misha i̱ tʋnnʋpover there; there
- anu̱kain; inside
- Nouns
- ʋlla tekgirl
- ʋlla nakniboy
- i̱ki11493
- shukhahog; pig; swine
- ninakashlast
- mi̱kochief; governor; king; leader; president
- aiimpa chukkacafe; restaurant
- ofidog
- ititree
- bokriver; stream
- nʋnifish
- hushibird
- chukkabuilding; home; house
- towaball
- Verbs
- pisadetect; examine; find; look; see; study
- anttabe
- ʋlaarrive; come; get here
- afamameet
- i̱kanafriend
- ittiachigo
- nusiasleep; sleep
- ittonlalie
- iago
- binohma̱yaseated; sit
- washohaplay
- a̱shwabe
- bininlisit
- Interrogative
- nantawhat
- katommawhere
- kʋtawho
- katimmawhere
- Adjectives
- nukshopaafraid; fear; fearful; scared
- holissowritten
- chitobig; great; large
- lusablack
- Adverbs
- la̱wa hoshabundantly; numerously; plentifully
- Conjunctions
- michaand
- Special Markers
- chimyour
- ʋmmy
- Models
- Vlla tek mvt chukka tikba antta.That girl is at the front of the house.
- Vlla nakni yvt kanchvk ola i tvnnvp antta.The boy is on this side of the barn.
- Iki yvt kanchvk anuka hikia tuk.His dad was standing inside the barn.