Until 1971, Choctaws were not allowed to elect their own tribal leaders. The President of the United States appointed chiefs. After the ratification of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act in 1975, Choctaws were allowed to have their own tribal constitution to govern these matters. With this came the responsibility and privilege of voting.
The mission of the Voter Registration Department is to increase voter participation in tribal elections, promote election process transparency through voter education and community outreach, maintain the accuracy of voter information and to maintain compliance with the current Chief and Tribal Council Election Ordinance set forth by our Tribal Council.

Understanding Tribal Government
The Choctaw Nation Constitution provides for an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch.
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Importance of Voting
Voting in tribal elections is one of your most important rights as a member of the Choctaw Nation. Discover valuable information to make a plan to vote and make your voice heard.
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Register to Vote
To vote in tribal elections, you must meet certain eligibility requirements and complete the registration process.
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Get to Know Your Ballot
Find out who is running for office and what is on the ballot before you head to the voting booth.
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Make Your Plan to Vote
When will you vote? Where will you vote? Do you need transportation? Develop a plan for voting day!
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Inspire Others
Visit with other tribal members in your family and community about registering to vote in tribal elections.
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