District 3, October 2022

By Councilman Eddie Bohanan
October 1, 2022

Halito District 3,

The Choctaw Labor Day Festival was a super success with jam-packed crowds and activities for all ages over a 3-day event during Labor Day weekend. Many were excited to celebrate together after two years’ cancellation due to the pandemic. There was much to do, to see and cultural events to enjoy, such as Princess Pageant, stickball, gourd dancing, arts and crafts, and much more. It was a fun-filled special time to celebrate family, fellowship together and honor Choctaw traditions.

Our seniors are back to taking trips! The Smithville group traveled to Branson in August. Both groups, Smithville and Talihina enjoyed a trip to Kentucky to see a full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark. It was a fun time of shopping, sightseeing and good food.

My good news highlight for District 3, is that Smithville will be the home of 10 affordable rent houses. The building process will be completed within year 2023.

At the September Tribal Council session, a $2.1 billion comprehensive expense budget was approved for fiscal year 2023. Our Tribal Council focuses on meeting the needs of our people while planning toward the future.
A personal “Welcome” to District 3 community centers. Stop by for a visit, stay for lunch, and check out what’s going on with the Tribe.

Councilman Eddie Bohanan